For Parents
Spring Valley Elementary School Cell Phone Policy
Objective: To promote a professional, respectful, and effective learning environment.
All personal electronic devices are to be turned off and put away when you get to school (cell phone,
earpods/headphones). They will not be in use during instructional time (unless authorized by teachers
for instructional purposes). Personal electronic devices are required to be in your backpack for the
entire day. They are not to be out or in your pocket during recess or lunch. If the device is not
properly stowed, it will be confiscated by an adult.
If a parent/guardian feels that a temporary exception needs to be made for extenuating
circumstances, please contact administration.
Appropriate places for you to leave your cell phone:
1 Backpack
2 At home
3 In teacher’s desk (if teacher approves)
4 In the office
*Cell Phones can be used as a learning tool during class at teacher’s discretion.
1 Reteach: On the first offense, the device will be taken and given to your classroom teacher.
Student will review the school cell phone policy and the device will be returned to the student
at the end of the day.
2 Referral: Second offense, students will be responsible to relinquish the phone to the classroom
teacher for 2-4 weeks to rebuild responsibility and trust. Students may bring their phone to
school each day, but it will be housed with the teacher for the ENTIRE day and will be returned
at the end of each day.
3 Contract: Continued offense will result in a referral to the school administrator and phone will
be held by administrator until parent meets with administration.
**The school takes no responsibility for the loss or damage of such devices and will not investigate
loss or theft.
What happens if my parent needs to get ahold of me or I need to get ahold of them:
1 Parents/guardians should contact the front office at 559-877-2215.
2 You may contact your parent/guardian during your unstructured time on your teacher’s ph
Objective: To promote a professional, respectful, and effective learning environment.
All personal electronic devices are to be turned off and put away when you get to school (cell phone,
earpods/headphones). They will not be in use during instructional time (unless authorized by teachers
for instructional purposes). Personal electronic devices are required to be in your backpack for the
entire day. They are not to be out or in your pocket during recess or lunch. If the device is not
properly stowed, it will be confiscated by an adult.
If a parent/guardian feels that a temporary exception needs to be made for extenuating
circumstances, please contact administration.
Appropriate places for you to leave your cell phone:
1 Backpack
2 At home
3 In teacher’s desk (if teacher approves)
4 In the office
*Cell Phones can be used as a learning tool during class at teacher’s discretion.
1 Reteach: On the first offense, the device will be taken and given to your classroom teacher.
Student will review the school cell phone policy and the device will be returned to the student
at the end of the day.
2 Referral: Second offense, students will be responsible to relinquish the phone to the classroom
teacher for 2-4 weeks to rebuild responsibility and trust. Students may bring their phone to
school each day, but it will be housed with the teacher for the ENTIRE day and will be returned
at the end of each day.
3 Contract: Continued offense will result in a referral to the school administrator and phone will
be held by administrator until parent meets with administration.
**The school takes no responsibility for the loss or damage of such devices and will not investigate
loss or theft.
What happens if my parent needs to get ahold of me or I need to get ahold of them:
1 Parents/guardians should contact the front office at 559-877-2215.
2 You may contact your parent/guardian during your unstructured time on your teacher’s ph